Tree Augmented Naive Bayes

This learning algorithm creates a Tree Augmented Naive Bayes (TAN) graph structure in which a single class variable have no parents and all other variables have the class as a parent and at most one other attribute as a parent.

The probability tables are filled out using Expectation Maximization.


classvar: the variable id corresponding to the class variable, String

maxSearchTime: the maximum runtime for the algorithm, milliseconds, Cint

seed: the random seed to use, 0 for time-based random seed, Uint32

maxcache: the maximum cache size, Uint64

LearnParams_TreeAugmentedNaiveBayes() = new("class", 0, 0, 2048)
LearnParams_TreeAugmentedNaiveBayes(class) = new(class, 0, 0, 2048)


net = Network()
learn!( net, dset, LearnParams_TreeAugmentedNaiveBayes())


The TAN algorithm is O(n^2 \text{log} n), where n is the number of graph vertices:

  1. Compute the mutual information between each pair of attributes
  2. Build a complete undirected graph in which the vertices are the attributes n variables. The edges are weighted according to the pairwise mutual information
  3. Build a maximum weighted spanning tree
  4. Transform the resulting undirected graph to a directed graph by selecting the class variable as the root node and seeting the direction of all edges outward from it
  5. Construct a TAN model by adding an arc from the class variable to all other variables


The Decision Systems Laboratory recommends the following reference:

Friedman, N., Geiger, D., & Goldszmidt, M. (1997). Bayesian network classifiers. Machine learning, 29(2), 131-163.